FY 2019 Tax Rate Information

At a hearing held on Monday, November 19th, the Select Board recommended the projected tax rate for FY 2019.

The Board took the following actions:

  1. Voted to establish a tax classification factor of 1.0, meaning that residential and commercial/industrial/personal property taxpayers will pay the same rate.
  2. Voted not to establish a residential exemption.
  3. Voted not to establish a commercial exemption.
  4. Voted to recommend the FY 2019 Property Tax levy at $50,754,795.54, which is $16,552.46 less than the levy limit.
  5. Voted to recommend to the Board of Assessors that the FY 2019 tax rate be set at a projected rate of $15.58 per $1,000 of valuation.

A copy of the presentation from the hearing is below.

File fy_19_classification_hearing_final.pptx363.61 KB