Filing with the Board of Appeals



Applications are completed on Permiteyes ( .  See filing fees for the most up to date fees.  The cost for advertising is paid directly to the Transcript.  Applicants also need to request an abutter list from the Assessing department.  Once an application is submitted along with all required materials, the fee paid and the abutter list has been completed, the applicant will be sent a hearing notice that they will mail out to all their abutters on their list.  All abutters must be notified 14 days in advance of the hearing date and proof of mailing should be back to the Zoning office prior to the hearing date.  These hearing notices can be sent with a Certificate of Mailing or Certified Mailing.  After a decision is granted, there is a 20 day appeal period after a decision is stamped in with the Town Clerk.


You will need to submit a certified plot plan with a sketch of your addition or planned construction, clearly showing the distance from the lot lines.  After the 20 day appeal period has expired, construction must take place within a year after the variance is granted.

Special Permit

You will need to submit a floor plan and/or plot plan of the property. For chickens, list how many you are requesting and upload information and pictures of the coop and containment.

Home Occupation

Complete the application stating exactly what the nature of the home-based business will be. Example: consulting, phone sales, etc.  If you are renting, you will need a letter granting permission from the property owner

For more information, please visit the Home Occupations page.