Town Officials

Presides over, conducts the meeting, maintains order; and declares all votes of the meeting.

Town Clerk
Recording official of the meeting; certifies all actions of Town Meeting; works in conjunction with the Moderator to coordinate secret balloting procedures when called for.

Select Board
Five-member elected policy making body; prepares the warrant; makes recommendations to the meeting.

Town Administrator
Prepares budget, comprehensive budget & capital improvements programs and submits same to Select Board and Finance Committee; may answer questions directed to him relating to the budget or to warrant articles; is seated with the Board of Selectmen.

Finance Committee
Nine-member committee appointed by the Moderator; reviews the budget; makes recommendations on all financial matters with an explanation for or against each; may present relevant information to assist Town Meeting in making financial decisions.

Finance Director
Has primary responsibility for the budget; works with the Finance Committee; is an information resource at the meeting.

School Committee
Five-member elected committee; responsible for the operation of the educational system; prepares the school budget; determines educational policy.

Superintendent of Schools
Implements School Committee policy and directives; is seated with the School Committee.

Community Planning Commission
Five-member elected board; presents recommendations and oral or written reports to Town Meeting on all planning and zoning-related matters.

Town Counsel
Chief legal advisor to all boards, committees and theTown Meeting; is seated with the Select Board.

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