2020 Federal Census Information

A mailing has recently been sent from the U.S. Census Bureau to all households inviting residents to respond to the 2020 Federal Census.    

The Federal Census mailing is an “invitation” to respond online, by phone or by mail. For an online response, the invitation directs persons to the following website:  www.my2020census.gov and will ask for the 12-digit Census ID included on the mailing.  Response to the Federal Census is required under Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections 141 and 193, and all information provided is required by law to be confidential.  The website address also provides additional information and FAQ’s to answer many questions.   April 1st is the date to be used for the information submitted from each household and is considered CENSUS DAY. 

The U.S. Census counts every person in the country every 10 years. The information gathered through the Federal Census is used to decide how much our communities get in State and Federal money for education, public health, transportation and much more.  The 2020 Federal Census count will be used to ensure that North Reading and Massachusetts gets their fair share of federal money and political representation for the next 10 years. Representation in the United States Congress and the Electoral College is based on United States Census responses.

The 2020 U.S. Census is separate from the North Reading annual street listing, which is often called the local census. The local census mailing is used to confirm your residency and keep your voter registration status up to date.   It is important to complete both the North Reading census form and to respond to the U.S. Federal Census.   If you have any questions concerning the local annual census, you may contact the North Reading Town Clerk’s Office at 978-357-5230.

If you have questions about the 2020 United States Census, you may call the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Census Division at 1-833-MA1-2020.

The Federal Census is quick, easy, and IMPORTANT -- and under the Law, all of your answers are confidential.   If a household does not respond to the 2020 Census, a census taker, will follow up in person to collect their response. This will occur between May-July.

Please visit  www.my2020census.gov and be counted TODAY!