
Investigation is an Important First Step
If a person feels they are being unfairly valued, he should investigate to see if there is some reason for concern. Look at the assessed values of similar homes in the area. Compare Cape Homes to Capes, ranches to ranches, etc. Check the SALES of comparable properties in the area. It is extremely important to research only sales of comparable homes during the period being considered. Fiscal Year 2023 values are based on sales that occurred during calendar year 2021.

This can be done at anytime of the year, or check your property card from the town’s website.  When entering the street location only enter the number and the name of the street not the suffix.  Click here to lookup property records online.

If disparities exist, contact the assessing department and set up an appointment for an interior inspection and have the property reviewed. There are approximately 6,000 parcels in town. Each property record card has 705 fields where data is either entered or repeated, some fields are information only. As careful as researchers and data entry people are, mistakes are made that effect value. It is up to the taxpayer to check the accuracy of this information and file for abatement if it is appropriate. It should be noted that not all fields’ effect value. During the measure and list we requested interior inspections for accuracy.