Non-Registered Person / Visitors

Although Town Meeting is a “public” meeting and all persons (registered or not) may attend the meeting, non-registered visitors must sign-in at the visitor table, will be given a “visitor” badge and will be admitted to the Meeting only after a majority vote in the affirmative by the Meeting.  Visitors will then be escorted to seating in the “Visitors Section” and must remain there throughout their stay at the Meeting. Those visitors who are Town Officials or persons working in conjunction with a Town board or committee may be seated in an area designated for Town Officials or with their board or committee.   

Non-registered persons may not make motions, nor shall they be allowed to vote on any matter before the Meeting.   Motions to admit non-registered visitors will only be made in-between articles – deliberations on an article will not be interrupted for such a motion.  Visitors must also turn in their badges as they leave the meeting.

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