Chapter 9

Charter Changes

Section 1 Amendment

9.1.1 This charter may be replaced, revised, or amended in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and general law.

Section 2 Specific Provisions Shall Prevail

9.2.1 To the extent that any specific provisions of this charter shall conflict with any provision expressed in general terms, the specific provision shall prevail.

Section 3 Publication of Bylaws

9.3.1 The Board of Selectmen shall, not later than November 1, 1970, and at five year intervals thereafter, appoint a Special Committee for the purpose of reviewing and recodifying all existing bylaws of the Town. The report of the Committee shall be submitted to the Board not less than two weeks prior to the closing of the warrant for the next October Town Meeting. The recommendations of the Committee for bylaw changes shall appear on the warrant for said Town Meeting. The Board shall publish all bylaws incorporating changes approved by the Town Meeting, and copies shall be made available at the office of the Town Clerk, at a cost not less than the cost of printing each copy, within sixty days after receipt of approval of the changes by the office of the attorney general, if required or within sixty days after adjournment of the Town Meeting at which the bylaw changes were approved.